6 Plotting in Base R

You will use the basic R plotting to make a map showing climate categories, country and state outlines and points for koalas observations and then save the map to a png file

Data: output from raster and interaction section are used

6.1 Challenge 1: Make a simple map

##          [,1]      [,2]
## [1,] 122.1843 -25.47049
## [2,] 144.5335 -22.57526
## [3,] 135.8241 -30.07906
## [4,] 144.2959 -36.84460
## [5,] 149.0022 -35.48869
## [6,] 146.5946 -42.02384
## [7,] 147.0159 -32.17495
## [8,] 133.3700 -19.48190
## Warning in plot.sf(koala_sf, add = TRUE, pch = 10): ignoring all but the
## first attribute